Sunday 30 November 2014

Signing off Movember 2014

Well, team of Mo Stashed Hairiers, thank you all for a very successful run this Movember 2014. We broke $4,000. Fantastic work and congratulations, one and all. I hope you had fun doing it. My mo will not be coming off until May. Meanwhile I will be adding a winter beard to my facial hair.

Although it's not a race or competition - we're a team together having fun while raising funds to fight a common enemy - let me offer special congratulations to Phil on finding such a good bunch of very generous sponsors to help him raise the princely sum of $1,680.

Movember will still take donations for some days into December and so, Sponsor wanna-be's, it's not too late.

Gentlemen, you are a great bunch of guys and I am proud of our team and our sponsors as should all of you be. I hope each of you will rejoin the Mo Stashed Hairiers again next year.

Mo Bro Terry

Friday 28 November 2014

Four thousand plus and counting!

I have to keep thanking you all. What a wonderful bunch of sponsors and what a great team putting in a great effort for a great cause. I'm sure Matt and Phil are having a rousing time carousing at the Toronto Mo Party. Enjoy!

Remember, Remember the Month of Movember

Remember, remember the month of Movember
Fun with Mo reason
For this is the season
For lips to grow stubble
So efforts can double
That cancer gets whipped
By those hairy lipped
And their sponsors who give
To the scientists who live
For the day
When they find out the way
After all we've endured
That cancer gets cured.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Over the $3,500 hump

Mo Captain Terry
As at Wednesday night we are at $3,550. Is there any chance we can break the $4,000 ceiling?

I am thrilled to see that with 113,663 registrations Canada is once again at the top of the international list with $15,135,888 raised so far. A wonderful achievement.

The other thing that I find very interesting is that the Movember moustache is not something professional people and customer facing personnel need to apologise for any more. The team at the top of the leader board is once again Team Mo CIBC with $153,179 raised at time of publishing this blog. With Be-MO in 4th place the bankers are coming through for men's health.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Over $3,000.00! Thank you to our sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors - 44 and counting - who have supported us to this point:
Dare we hope to reach $4,000?

You’re what making a difference looks like. Thank you so much for supporting our Movember efforts. You’re now part of the Movember movement and with your donations, we’re having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.

Your donations are helping the Movember Foundation work hard to connect and fund the best scientific and clinical minds in the world, working towards two urgent goals: to fast track a time when no man will die from prostate or testicular cancer, and to rid the world of discrimination against men and boys with mental health problems.

You can learn more about the important work and impact Movember is having at Movember Programs -

Once again, a big THANK YOU from the team.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Turning into the home stretch

Well here we are in the fourth week of Movember and we are just $80 short of $3,000. Huge thank you's to our generous supporters and sponsors. Here are the mo's and the bro's generating the generosity. You can see that a well stashed mo 'stash fits every kind of man enhancing the appearance of admirable qualities otherwise hidden.

Matt mucho mo

Phil filigree mo

Wayne wagonman mo

Greg gallant mo

Monday 17 November 2014

Celebrate with me

In August this year I reached the milestone of being 2 years cancer free after having my prostate removed in 2012. In practical terms that means I only have to visit my urologist every 12 months instead of twice a year, but psychologically the impact on me is out of all proportion to the physical impact. I am indeed grateful for living in this age of modern medicine, being able to benefit from the huge advances in medical technology that have been made possible by medical research.

Mo Bro Terry
You can understand, then, why I am such a passionate supporter of Movember and the support it provides for prostate and testicular cancer research. I fully appreciate that there are many worthy causes competing for our limited dollars. If you do have something to spare, please choose a team member of your fancy in the panel on the right, click on the name to go to his Movember page, sponsor a donation which, of course, is tax deductible to Canadians, and celebrate with us the new lease of life your donation, with thousands of others, is offering to men who will be diagnosed in the future with prostate or testicular cancer.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Honored and truly thankful for all the generous contributions to date

These are Phil's words but they reflect what we are all feeling as a team as we dare to hope that we might break $3,000.00 in sponsorships. A huge THANK YOU to all our sponsors.

Phil Sager
Matt Penfold
Greg Forbes
Wayne Hudson

Sunday 2 November 2014

2nd Day of Movember

Accident Prevention

The picture is a bit fuzzy, but then so is the mo' at this stage.