Thursday 29 October 2009

Another two in one day - again! Welcome Raj and Lucian

Rajendra Bamaniya was on the team last year and couldn't stay away this year. It's great to have you back Raj. Raj isn't only a colleague - he's my boss, so tease him with respect! Actually he grows a great mo, worthy of a good donation to the Movember cause: Prostate Cancer Canada. Here is a photo of Raj from last year's archive.

...and Lucian Acatrinei who is also a colleague. First time to grow a Movember mo! This is going to be interesting :-)  Welcome to the Mo Stashed Hairiers, Lucian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah--what a man!
Woe is the man without a mo'
Wo (man)-- kiss that stash tonight!

Gentleman: There is something confident and strong about a man in a mo--keep it going!