The first day of Movember. Tally-Ho! - the hunt is on. Today the Mo Stashed Hairiers and fellow Mo Bro's the world over are hairless on the face and, notably, the upper lip. Here are some Day 1 photos I've managed to garner. I cannot believe how shy (or is it coy?) some of the team are. Needless to say, the shy ones do not have their pictures here!

Mo Bro Greg Forbes. It's a year since I've seen him without a moustache and I hope his friends and family are helping him through his withdrawal. He deserves a big sponsorship, people.

Mo Bro Taylor Landry. Someone else who has sacrificed hugely for the cause. His T-shirt says it all. Shed a tear and dig deep in your pockets, folks.

Mo Bro Greg Landry. Great smile. Fortunately for us all this photo was taken before he went to Buffalo to watch the Bills play Texas.

Mo Bro Justin Manuel. Dedication to the Movember cause written all over that brave face. Mom and Dad Manuel have led the sponsorship charge. Who's next to sponsor this fine specimen? Any Mo Sista's?

Mo Bro Terry McCann (yours faithfully) with Halloween friend shortly before dismantling time.
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