Tuesday, 26 November 2013

The End is in Sight

Just a few days left. Hang in there team. So far twenty-seven wonderful sponsors have helped us reach $2,000. I would really like to pass $2,500. Dare I hope for $3,000 again?

Mark's children seem to be enjoying the mo'. Will they be confused when he shaves it off?
Engineer or Banker?

A very brave mo'!

Daddy's going fuzzy

Mo' fun for Jonty

A fine specimen

Thank you, Team and Sponsors


Unknown said...

Your Mo numbers may have dropped but not your enthusiasm Well done the Mo-Stashed Hairiers. Hope you get the extra dollars, Terry.
With love, Lesley

Mo Bro Terry said...

Thank you, Lesley. I still think back with pride on the first "doggerel" efforts to which you made such a big contribution.