Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Better late than never. Welcome back to the Hairiers, Mark and Jon

I am thrilled to have Doctor Jonathan Sam and my son, Mark, back on the Mo Stashed Hairiers team for 2013. A couple or three years ago Jon was our top sponsor gatherer. We look forward to another cracking year, Jon.

Jon has discovered what might be a new principle of the pseudo-bio-sciences: the amount of money raised by a Hairier is in inverse proportion to the amount of hair on the upper lip. So don't make jokes, people; that is, or will be eventually, one serious mo for the Movember cause.

Dr Jon Sam - TEAM  EFFORT!
Once Jon gets over his usual reticence he will give us a picture to demonstrate what I mean. Meanwhile, here is a picture from Movember 2010.

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